natural green natural green Author
Title: Weeds as Sustainable Resource
Author: natural green
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Weeds are the plant that grows where it is unwanted or grow and spread fast and takes the place of native plants. Effects of weeds ...

Weeds are the plant that grows where it is unwanted or grow and spread fast and takes the place of native plants.

Effects of weeds: They are able to grow fast and spread in native areas. They compete successfully for light, space, water and nutrients with native plant species. They are more vulnerable to pest and diseases attack. Thereby they take place gradually of the native plants and reduce biodiversity. Alternation of plant community directly affects their pollinators and seed dispersal agents. Weeds cause the loss of the nesting places of native birds. So animal diversity is also gradually become reduced as they moves into new area or die. Weeds increase the cost of agriculture because once weeds have established, it is very difficult to eliminate it.  Some weed may cause allopathic effect. They produce toxic chemicals that interfere with metabolic pathways or suppress the growth native plants seedling within their vicinity of roots. Ex: Chromalaena odorata. Some are cause allergic reactions in humans. Alternanthera philoxeroides( Alligator weed)is misused by people due to the same appearance with Alternanthera sessils but toxic to human.
·        Although the weeds are often disadvantageous, they are useful in many ways.

Erosion protection: Weeds grow as a thick layer in the agricultural lands so it prevents wind contact with top soil particles. Thereby it reduces the erosion by wind. The weed have strong either fibrous or tap root system that hold the soil particles together. The secrete glues that bond soil particles together intro large aggregates. Thereby the weeds reduce the erosion by rain.

Add nutrients and organic matter: Weed can be buried as a green manure crop with main crop so that its decompositions of its plant materials release nutrient and organic matter into the soil. Chromalaena odorata as a green manure crop, it adds large amount of nitrogen as its leaves are rich in nitrogen. If Crotalaria retusa is grown as a green manure crop, it adds directly nitrogen to the soil because it belongs to legume.

Leafy vegetable: Amaranthus spinosus is perennial weed. It is often found in agricultural lands. It contains protein, minerals, and vitamins in large quantity so it is able to heal some health problems. Its higher fiber content is good for the health of digestive tract. It is rich in potassium which helps to lower the blood pressure. High concentration of vitamin A lower or stop the cataracts in eyes and keep the vision healthy. It contains amino acids which are not produced by human body and they increases calcium uptake. Thereby they bind tightly hair to the head so prevent the hair losses.

Feedstock for livestock: Panicum maximum is a perennial shrub. It possesses a erect system. It is eaten by all classes of grazing livestock. Its young leaves are more palatable compare to the mature ones. In Vietnam, its leaves are used for fish feeding. Commelina diffusa is another weed which grows in wet areas. It is comprised with creeping stem. It grows as annual in temperate countries while it grows as perennial in tropical countries. In addition to feed, it gives water in large quantities. Thereby it reduces the water requirement for livestock.
Medicinal value: Cyperus rotundus is also known as nut grass. It grows as perennial. It has an underground stem.  It is used as an ingredient in traditional ayurvedic helps to treat digestive problems, menstrual disorders and nausea. Scoparia dulcis is another medicinal herb in traditional ayurvedic medicine. It grows as perennial. Its whole plant is boiled and drink for diabetes. In addition diabetes, it is used for treat eye disorders, ear disorders, menstrual irregularities and parasitic infections.

Economic important: weed has potential for been using as a feedstock for biofuel production. Growing energy crops increases the demand for land and nutrient available for world food production. It has to be pump money on growing them. But use of weed as a feedstock, it does not affect the agriculture. Cost of the biofuel production is lowered. Thereby customers can apply biofuel for their vehicles at reasonable price. It gives additional income for farmer.  It is one of best solutions for weed management other than environmental degrading methods. Panicum maximum is grown in Central America for bio alcohol production. Whole plant body of weed can be used as feedstock in anaerobic digester for methane production. Leaves of Panicum maximum is used for thatching. Its culms are used for basket manufacturing.

Ornamental and hedge plant: Lantana camera is perennial flowering is native to the tropical areas of America and Africa. But it now has included in 100 of world worst invasive plants. It possesses erect or subscandent stem. It grows individually in clumps or as dense thicket. It attracts and provides nectar for many species of butterflies and moths. But its spread into land which are used as pasture for livestock because it produces toxic substances that are able to kill livestock which is result in economic loss.  Lantana camera as a hedge plant, it helps to keep away livestock from gardens.

Raw material: Exactions from young twigs of Eclipta prostrata are used as a raw material for hair oil has ability promote the hair growth. 

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