natural green natural green Author
Title: Balantidium Coli Balantidiasis
Author: natural green
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          It belongs to the Phylum Ciliopra of kingdom Animalia.           It is the only ciliated parasite pathogenic to humans? ...

  •          It belongs to the Phylum Ciliopra of kingdom Animalia.
  •          It is the only ciliated parasite pathogenic to humans?
  •          The largest protozoan parasite found in the human body.
  •           Mode of transmission: fecal-oral transmission (Food is borne/ Waterborne by cyst contain Fecal matter contains cyst)
  •          Host: Human/ Pigs/Horses/Cattles
  •          Other animals act as a reservoir for the parasite. Pigs are the most significant reservoir hosts
  •          Therefore it is a zoonotic disease. 


        Life cycle:

      ·         After human is infected by a cyst of Balantidium coli through foods or water, cysts exocyst in the small intestine.
     ·         Trophozoites feed and multiply aid in binary fission.
     ·         They penetrate the gut wall and make ulcers.
     ·         Some of trophozoites return into the small intestine and go to the large intestine with the food stream.
     ·         They secrete cyst wall in order to serve in the dry condition of the large intestine.
     ·         Cysts are released through the fecal matter to the environment.


                 ·         Symptoms:

§  Diarrhea
§  Weight loss
§  Dysentery

            ·         Prevention:

§  Wash hander after going to the toilets before the meal.
§  Vegetables are washed and cooked properly because heat can kill cysts of Balantidium coli.
             § Drinking water is boiled properly. 


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