natural green natural green Author
Title: Riparian Buffer and its Environmental Benefits
Author: natural green
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Riparian buffer are the rows of grasses or trees planted along the bank of rivers and streams . It is one of the agroforestry systems. ...

Riparian buffer are the rows of grasses or trees planted along the bank of rivers and streams. It is one of the agroforestry systems. Riparian buffers act as the interface between adjacent terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. They are designed to protect the river or stream banks, control flood and minimize the non-point aquatic pollution.

Planting zones: Riparian buffer zoned is divided into sub zones from land towards aquatic bodies as upland zone, transitional zone, overbank zone, bank zone and toe zone. Large trees and shrubs are planted in both upland zone and transitional zones. In the overbank zone, Small to medium size shrubs is found.  Plants with flexible stems and creeping stems including glass are plant in the bank zone so that plant are not damaged by the extend flood.  Emergent plant species including sedges are found in the toe zone. Large trees are not planted near zone aquatic body because they are not able to tolerant to large flood.

 Buffer width:  The width of the riparian buffer is the major important factor that affects the effectiveness of the buffer. Welsch has recommended that width of the riparian buffer should be 90feets on both sides of the river. But width of the buffer depends on the adjacent land area and land uses. Small stream with limited input from adjacent land area should have a small buffer width. But large stream with large input from adjacent area should have a large buffer width to protect the stream. Adjacent lands may be used for agriculture, commercial or residential area.  Agricultural lands with good management and maintain requires narrow width buffers. Types and composition of soil also determines the width of the riparian buffers. Soils with well drained have high rate of infiltration so it reduces the runoff. Therefore it requires riparian buffer with narrow width. But poorly drained soils have low rate of infiltration so it increases the runoff. Therefore it requires riparian buffer with wider width.

Plant section: characteristics of the river or stream bank determine the plants that needed to grow. Most of the plant cannot survive and grow within a certain range of environmental conditions such as pH, soil air, soil moisture, and soil type and soil texture. But some are able to grow in extreme conditions including water logged conditions, acidic or basic pH. Some grow well even in sandy soil where the moisture and nutrient retention is relatively low. Therefore the plants that are planted in the riparian buffer zone are able to tolerate water logged conditions, excess nutrients and sediments and even withstand in sandy or clay soil. A mixture of pants that offer fruits, fuel, fertilizer, timber, medicine and nesting places for birds and other animals can be selected.
·        Riparian buffer zones help to enhance quality of aquatic ecosystems while giving other kind of ecological, economic and social benefits as follows.

Flood control: Riparian buffers act as obstacle for incoming water through the surface of the land towards the streams. Thereby it slows down the surface runoff. The root systems of trees and grasses in the riparian buffers help to lower the river flow velocity. Their extensive root systems soak up the water in large quantity. Thereby it reduces the risk of flood. As significant flood is required for the maintaining of flood plains, refrain buffers help to keep the flood at moderate level.
Trap sediments: Runoff from the poorly managed agricultural land brings lot of excess sediments. These sediments tend to deposit at the bottom of aquatic bodies. Thereby continuous addition of sediments decreases the available depth for aquatic life. These sediments deposits in the gill of the fishes which kill them. Pesticides, nutrients and heavy metals also bind and come with sediments so excess nutrients causes eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems. Pesticides and heavy metals tend to go through food webs and accumulate in plant and animal bodies which results in serve health problems or detrimental effect on the animal in the top of the food webs. Excess sediments are trapped by the extensive root systems of shrubs, grasses and trees in the riparian buffers .but when sediments is serious problem, larger portion of the total buffer system hat to be planted with grasses which are more effective in slow down flow of incoming water and trap the sediments.

Control pollution: Nitrogen and phosphorus are the primary nutrients for aquatic plants and algae. But excess nutrients cause the sudden increase of the algal growth. It is referred to as eutrophication. Eventually eutrophication is able to kill the all aquatic life and convert the ecosystem into dead. So trees and shrubs in the riparian buffer are important to eliminate the excess nutrient from the incoming water. The extensive root systems of trees and shrubs absorb nutrient in large quantities for their growth. Roots of some plants are able to sequester excess nutrient in their roots. The anaerobic bacteria inhabits outside the rhizomes of roots are able to denitrification of excess nitrogen. After conversion of excess nitrate into nitrogen, it expels into the atmosphere.

Stream of river bank protection again erosion:  The extensive roots system of trees, grasses create a mat to hold the soil in a place. Roots absorb the water in large volumes from the bank so it is not allowed water content of the soil in the bank to reach to saturated level. Thereby it minimizes the risk of bank collapsing. Leaf litter from the buffer increases the roughness of the bank so it reduces the river flow velocity. Thereby it minimizes the ability of river flow to erode the bank.

Provide wildlife habitats: Riparian buffers create the animal and plant communities with high diverse and productivity. Some animals only come to the riparian buffer for food, nesting and nursery while other inhabits as their permanent habitat.  Animals use trees and shrub as their nesting places. Wildflowers provide nectar for humming birds. Evergreen shrubs and tress serve as a winter cover for wild life. Riparian acts as the corridors for the wildlife. They support to link the habitats with same type of some animals. Migrating birds find fruits and insects in the riparian zones. The buffer zones offer nectar and host plants for certain butterflies and moths species. Salamanders dig the soil and put their eggs among the leaf litter in the floor of buffer zones.
Enhance the quality of aquatic habitats: Riparian buffers provide fundamental food sources of food webs of aquatic ecosystems. Leaf litter falls into the water bodies are decomposed by microbes so that organic matter and nutrients become available for other plants and animals such as collectors and shredders. Macro invertebrates and small fishes also depend on this leaf matter. These macro invertebrates and small fishes are eaten by large fishes. In addition to food, riparian provides shelter for aquatic life. Shelter and wind blowing from the buffer zone help to lower the temperature and maintain within a stable range. Thereby it improves the oxygen solubility in the water. Broken branches provide better hiding places for macro invertebrates and small fishes to escape form their predators.

Aesthetic and recreational value: In addition to ecological values, riparian buffers attract the local and foreign tourists due to its fascinating surrounding. People use the aquatic ecosystem associated with the buffer zone for swimming, boat riding, walking, fishing and bird watching. The stream or river and the riparian buffer improve the regional landscape. The tourisms bring good income and development for the rural communities.

Increase economic value: Landholder can earn good income when their riparian buffer zones are well managed and maintained. In addition to protection of aquatic water bodies, the buffer zones provide firewood, fruits, medicines, tanning and dyes and honey produced by bees. After trees get mature, they can be cut for the woods, while replacing them by newly planted trees. They provide winter protection for livestock. They trap water which is even available under drought conditions for land. It reduces the spread of pest and diseases attack. Well managed buffer zone can be used for eco-tourism which gives high income.

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