natural green natural green Author
Title: Variation of Oxygen in freshwater ecosystem
Author: natural green
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Why Oxygen is important for life?                          Oxygen is the one of the limiting factor for the life. Since most of the lif...
Why Oxygen is important for life?

                         Oxygen is the one of the limiting factor for the life. Since most of the life forms are aerobic except few, they inhibit in the water with high Oxygen content. Vertical distribution of phytoplankton and fishes are influenced by the DO. So they are restricted to surface layers of the mot water body. When Oxygen is reduced to zero or limited aerobic life forms are replaced by anaerobic life.  
                       Oxygen is essential for cellular respiration of aerobic life.  Some of anaerobic life forms are inactive until Oxygen is available again such as Chirognomid larvae. Animals which have Hemoglobin in the blood can tolerate for low Oxygen level because hemoglobin has ability to grab, store and transport four Oxygen molecules once into inner cells in the body. Ex: Tubifex sp

Variation in the lentic ecosystem

                         Lentic ecosystems are the standing water bodies such as lakes, ponds, marshes and swamps. Dissolved Oxygen content (DO) is influenced by the temperature, community respiration and decomposition. Amount of Oxygen is determined by the diffusion, water circulation (water mixing) and photosynthesis. The rate of diffusion of Oxygen in the lentic ecosystem is less compare to the atmosphere.  Water circulation determines the vertical Oxygen distribution throughout the water column.

                               Photosynthesis is varying according to the depth as well as time of the day.  Therefore amount of Oxygen produced by photosynthesis is also followed by such fluctuations and variations. In the morning photosynthesis and DO is less due to the less solar intensity. From morning to noon, photosynthesis and DO are high due to the increasing solar intensity. The highest DO and photosynthesis is recorded in the noon due to the maximum solar intensity. DO and photosynthesis are aging decreasing from noon to evening due to the decreasing solar intensity.  

When consider the variation of DO according to the depth, maximum DO is reported slight below the water surface because photosynthesis is limited in the surface due to the photo-inhibition of photosynthetic organisms.  Photosynthesis is reduced gradually due to the decreasing light penetration. But community respiration is high. So Oxygen is largely consumed by organisms.
                         At the bottom of the deep lakes, Oxygen availability is limited or zero because photosynthesis is not taken place due to the absence of light. Community respiration is also high. But large amount of Oxygen is consumed by decomposing organism. Therefore bottom of the deep lake does not support aerobic life.
                         But in the case of shallow lakes, DO is high in even bottom due the high light penetration. Plant growth can be found at the bottom. Therefore large amount of oxygen is produced. Although decomposition is carried out, DO does not become limited due to the high productivity. Therefore bottom of the shallow lake supports the aerobic life.
                         When the solar intensity is increasing in the absence of strong winds, a temperature gradient is created from top to the bottom. Thermociline acts as a density barrier between warm surface water and clod bottom water. It causes water stratification and prevents water mixing. Therefore DO on the surface layer is not transported to bottom layer. So bottom layer interfere with limited Oxygen supply and cannot support aerobic life anymore. But suddenly wind action can break the stratification and start the water mixing.
                         Doing the some period of the year, surface temperature falls, bottom temperature and surface temperature become similar .Therefore since there is no density barrier, water starts to missing. Oxygen availability is high throughout the water column.  It supports aerobic life.

Solubility of Oxygen in the water is directly affected by the water temperature. If the water temperature is high, it reduces the Oxygen solubility in the water.  Low temperatures increase the Oxygen solubility.

Variation in loctic ecosystem
                         Loctic ecosystems are moving water bodies such as waterfalls and rivers. Since lotic water bodies are shallow compare to the lentic water bodies, DO is high throughout the water column because plant growth can be found due to the high light penetration. Turbulence increases the DO.  Stratification is rarely occurred in lotic systems, water circulation is continuously carried out. Therefore availability o Oxygen throughout the water column is high.
                         Variation of DO is taken place from upper reaches to lower reaches. DO is near saturation in upper reaches due to the fat river flow and turbulence. DO is limited is less in lower reaches due to the low rate of photosynthesis because sedminets tend to deposit due to slow flow rate. It restricts the light penetration.   

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