natural green natural green Author
Title: Transmission of Vector Borne Diseases
Author: natural green
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What is means to be vectorbrone diseases?                              The disease transmitted from one individual to another by a ve...
What is means to be vectorbrone diseases?

                             The disease transmitted from one individual to another by a vector. Vector may be vertebrate like dogs, birds or invertebrate like mosquitoes, sand flies, flies and cockroaches. The major requirements those should be fulfilled for transmission of vector borne disease are presence of parasite, vector and host. But in some diseases reservoir host is also involved. Ex: Pigs for Japanese Encephalitis.

What are the factors those accelerate the transmission of vector borne diseases?

                             Urbanization: Unplanned and uncontrolled urbanization in urbanize areas in developing countries, it causes serve health problems. As a result of higher consumption, waste generation is also increased.  Therefore it creates the habitats for vectors. Derange which is blocked with waste are ideal place for Culex mosquito breeding. Water accumulated containers like coconut cells, plastic cans, tins, discard tires and flower vases are preferable breeding place for Aedes mosquitoes.  Dirty and unclean condition in house prepares the habitats for rats. As a result of high population density, there is high probability to transmit disease from one individual to another rapidly. Migration of people from emerge area to none emerge areas also transmits the diseases because people in non emerge areas have no immunity for such diseases come from outside.
                             Climate change: As a result of global warming, climate and whether patterns are changed. So the world experiences long period of rainy seasons and long period of dry seasons. During dry season, eggs of mosquitoes hatch rapidly and larva emerges into adults rapidly. Adults are died within a short time period. Therefore life cycle of the mosquitoes is shortened.  Biting frequencies of mosquitoes also increase.  During wet season, density of the vegetation is increased. So it offers more resting sites for vectors. Continuous rain also supports to improve the both quality and quantity of the breeding sites.
                             Agriculture: forested areas are converted into agricultural areas. People tend to spend their most of the time in their agricultural lands. So they are exposure vectors easily. Rice fields are ideal breeding sites for the Culex mosquitoes due to high organic matte content. As a result of wells for agriculture and dam construction, moving water is converted into non moving water stagnant water. It is ideal place for Anophline mosquitoes breeding.  Since most of farmers in developing countries have lower income and less immunity for diseases, they are more prone to vector borne diseases.

                Deforestation and forest related activities- The conversion of forested area into human settlement, agriculture lands, and the vectors are persuaded to migrate into urbanize areas.  Deforested areas offer breeding places for vector with low salinity and low acidity compare to those in forested areas. People who worked with forest related activities like mining, collecting medicine and extracting woods are exposure vectors easily. Ex: Vectors of Yellow fever and Malaria. The first person who suffered from coetaneous Leishmaniasis was reported in Sri Lanka worked in a forest logging.

                Excess usage of insecticides:  As a result of excess use of insecticides, mosquitoes become resistant. So application of insecticides for controlling vector borne diseases is less effective. As an example, emerge of malaria in mid 1900 centaury in Sri Lank caused serve loss of population. So DDT was applied to kill Anophiline mosquitoes. Then reported cases were dropped down to near zero. But after few years, reemergence of Malaria was taken place due to less considering of the government to control and surveillance. So DDT was applied again to kill Anophline mosquitoes but it was not effective because mosquitoes become more resistant to DDT due to the excess usage. Then Malathine was introduced to kill Anophilne mosquitoes. Same thing was happen. Mosquitoes became resistant to Malathine.

                Animal husbandry: It offers addition feeding for mosquitoes. Therefore mosquitoes population is rapidly increased which may result in increase feeding frequencies on the human. Those animals also act as the reservoir host for some disease. Ex: Pigs for Japanese Encephalitis.

What are the impacts of the vector borne diseases?

1)    Emergence of vector borne diseases in developing countries, the government has to be pumped more money on the health to control and treatment for the diseases. So it has to be spending money health rather than development. It cause economic drop down in country.

 2)    As a result of serve vector borne diseases work flow of a country is reduced.  Beside the economic, thousand of human lives are lost once. If the householder suffers form a disease, he has to rest in home without going to his job for long time period. It causes the falling down of economic level of a family. Since most of people are low income in the developing countries, they are pushed into further poverty because they have to spend most of their money on health rather their other requirements.

 3)    Outbreaks of vector borne disease among animal husbandry causes serve lose of economic burden. It causes loss of life of animals. It reduces meat yield, eggs and milk yields.

How to control prevent the reemergence of vector borne diseases?

  1)    Biological control: It is always considered as the best method for controlling vectors among other methods. The cost is less compare to the chemical control. Ex: Cats can be used for controlling of rats. Larvivorus fishes are used for controlling mosquito’s larvae.

  2)    Maintenance of the environmental hygiene: It helps to prevent or minimize the mosquitoes breeding. Maintenance of cleaning condition in households helps to avoid offering breeding places for rats. Proper waste management prevents the formation of breeding places for mosquitoes breeding. The prevention of rainwater accumulation in discard materials also dis-encourages the mosquitoes breeding.

  3)    Mass chemotherapy: Use of chemical treatment for killing parasite is easier than the killing vector because parasites live in the human body. But vectors live in the all over the environment. So it is difficult to apply insecticides to each and every vector. It is important to finish entire chemotherapy course until the end unless some stages of parasite remain in the body become resistant. 

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