natural green natural green Author
Title: Mosquito Sampling Techniques
Author: natural green
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Adluts Sampling techniques (1)Landing collection                              Adult mosquitoes lading on the people or animals are ...
Adluts Sampling techniques
(1)Landing collection
Adult mosquitoes lading on the people or animals are collected by using a vial and a polythene bag. So both zoophilic and anthopophilic misquotes can be collected. This method is used to study the biting time of mosquitoes. It is a labor consuming method. It is a time consuming method.  Diseases can be transmitted from mosquitoes into human body.

(2)Oviposition trap

                             A jar with wide mouth is used as the oviposition trap.  The jar is painted in black color because mosquitoes prefer shady environments. It is used to attract gravid female mosquitoes of Aedes sp. Hey fusion is used as the attractor. Different species of Aedes mosquitoes can be attracted by changing the concentration of hey fusion. Aedes mosquitoes lay eggs dry surface around the sides of containers and plastic stick above the water level. Eggs have to be counted following day unless eggs hatch and larvae emerge.  It is a cheap method. Oviposition traps cannot be used for collecting other mosquitoes types expect Aedes.

(3)Resting box

                            Resting boxes are made of a small wooden box which is covered with a black non reflective paper because mosquitoes attracts shady environment. Its outside is covered with a muslin cloth and one end is open.  There is high probability to mosquitoes be escape from the resting box.

(4) Sticky trap

                              It is used to collect adult mosquitoes from the both outside and inside. It is paced in dark and shady places. Appropriate bait is used to attract the mosquitoes. It is very is to handle. It is not a labor consuming method. It is a time consuming method.  Mosquitoes can be damaged or died due to the stickiness.


                                 Both adult female and male mosquitoes can be collected from their resting places by using pooter or aspirator. Resting palces are varying with the species. Resting place of Aedes mosquitoes is outside vegetation. Resting places for Anophiline mosquitoes is inside the houses.  Mosquitoes are drawn into the main chamber of the pooter by sucking at the mouth piece. Adult mosquitoes can be collected without any damage or minimum damage. It is a time consuming method. It is labor intensive. Diseases can be transmitted through the pooter to the user.

Why it is very difficult to catch adult male misquotes?

                          Since adult males are plant nectar feeders, they are usually caught from resting places in the vegetation by using pooter or aspiration because they can be attracted by female mosquitoes. Although female mosquitoes are also plant nectar feeders, they attract to human or animals in order fulfill their blood requirements for their eggs developments. Therefore adult female mosquitoes can be easily caught.

Larvae sampling techniques

                             Larva is extracted into a small tube according to a pressure gradient by siphoning. It is used to collect larva from small habitats such as tree holes. So it cannot be used for large habitats. Larval density cannot be determined.


                       It is used to collect larvae from small water bodies. So it also cannot be used to collect larvae from small water bodies. Larval density cannot be determined by using pipette.

                       Larvae form the large water bodies are collected by using a scoop or a dipper. It can be used to collect larvae from different depth from surface.  Larval density can be determined by using dipping method.

(4)Netting or funnel trap

                       It is made of a nylon net which attached to iron ring. The iron ring is attached to a handle.  It used to collect larval from large water bodies like wells. It can be used to determine larval density.  Larvae from small habitats cannot be collected by using netting or funnel trap.

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