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Title: Organic Farming as a solution for the Industrial Agriculture
Author: natural green
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1)     Why do the farmers need to move towards the organic farming? At present, the conventional farming involves use of lots of syn...

organic farming, towards to organic farming

1)    Why do the farmers need to move towards the organic farming?
At present, the conventional farming involves use of lots of synthesized chemicals as herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers and use heavy machineries for the land preparation in order to gain maximum crop production.
People in the developed countries more concern about their diet and they do not like to force a threat to survival of people, and environment in the rest of the world. So, they tends to buy the sustainably grown products with minimum impacts. 

what is organic framing, organic framing

2)    What is organic farming?
Organic farming is defined by USDA as “organic farming is a system which avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetic inputs (such as fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, feed additives etc) and to the maximum extent feasible rely upon crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures, off-farm organic waste, mineral grade rock additives and biological system of nutrient mobilization and plant protection”.
The organic farming concept emerged in 20th century as a solution for the problems coming under the conventional farming. At present, it accounts for 1-2% of crop cultivation all over the world. However, its extent grows annually. Austria, Italy, and Czech Republic are the major organic food producers in the world.
3)    Organic farming certification
It is a process of certification of producers of organically grown crop products. Farmers have to strictly follow the guidelines of the certification body from the land preparation to transport of the products.
Farmers are beneficial from the certification of their organically cultivated products. Because, the world’s demand for the organic foods increases day by day and most of people are ready to pay extra to purchase the healthy vegetables, spices and fruits for their nourishment.

4)    Techniques involve in organic farming

Most of the environmental problems associated with conventional farming can be addressed by using the techniques and methods in the organic farming. Thereby, it helps to continue the farming in the same land for years.

Crop rotation: It is the practice of growing different type’s crop species in the same land area in different seasons. This farming techniques help the crop species with different nutrient requirement to flourish in different season. Thereby, the depletion of same group of nutrients is avoided in the farm land. So, it reduces the nourishment of the land with the excessive use of fertilizers. 
Use of green manure: Simply the green manure crops can be grown among crops in the farm land or parts of such crops grown elsewhere can be incorporated into the cultivation. Numerous species of grasses, legumes and non-legumes are functioned as the green manure. Legumes like peas, beans, peanuts, cloves, and tamarind can be grown as cover crops next to the raw crops. These nitrogen fixing bacteria in the legumes may releases nitrate into the soil. Application of tender leaves, twigs and branches of non-legume plant species like Albizia lebbeck,sunflower, and Azardirachta indica releases the essential nutrients and organic matter into the soil.

Application of compost: The compost results from the degradation of plant materials should be applied as a soil stabilizer and an enhancer rather than a fertilizer. Because nutrients availability in the compost is very less compare to the fertilizers and green manure. The organic matter content in the compost provides extra cation and anion exchange sites for the soil. Thereby, it increases the availability of the soil. Furthermore, the organic matter accelerates the binding and formation of the soil aggregations. Thereby, the compost help to improve the structure of the soil. The microorganisms in the compost has the ability kill the plant pathogens in the soil.

Mitigation of the soil erosion: Instead of growing mono cultures, cultivation of the mix cultivation facilitate the growth of crops with dense foliage and deep root systems. In addition, bushes with fibrous root system like lemon grasses can be planted in spaces of the lands. The organic matter results from the degradation of plant materials of them and their abundance roots system help to form soil aggregates.  Their canopy prevents the direct contacts of rain droplets with the soil particles.
Biological pest control methods: One strategy of natural control of pests is the use of the relationship of predator-prey. The natural enemies of the pests can be attracted to the farm lands. Frogs and birds are often insectivores and they feed on the insects pests attracting to the crops.
Another strategy for the pest control is use of plants. Plants like Chrysanthemums have unique scent that has ability to repel the agricultural pest out of the lands. Extracts from some herbal species like turmeric and Azardirachta indica can be sprayed over the land to get rid of the pests.

Control of weeds: The growth of weeds in the organic farming can be discouraged in various ways. Attaining a vigorous crop growth is important to eliminate the weeds though the competition. Selection of seeds with good inherent characteristics, good soil quality, well-drained soil, and optimal land preparation techniques help the crops to sustain and retard the growth of the weeds. The growth of weeds is also controlled by growing the crops species with allelopathy effects. Allelopathic plants like wheat and sunflowers release toxic chemicals and cause detrimental effects to weeds and their emerging seedlings. When selecting the crops for the cultivation, it is better to select crops with relatively dense canopy. Because, canopy interrupts the light penetration to floor. So, it discourages the growth of weeds.
Encourage natural pollination: As the use of synthesized pesticides, herbicides and fungicides is avoided, the pollinators like honey bees, butterflies and flies come to the crops for forage. The attraction of the pollinators can be increased to the farm by providing their requirements. Wildflowers with red, yellow and white colors can be planted at the edge of the farm. Small, shallow water tanks can be placed in farm for their drinking and bathing.

             5) Advantages of organic farming
1) Reduce the cost of farming
In organic farming, expenses associated with the crop cultivation is drastically reduced. Because, the use of synthesized fertilizers, growth hormones, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides is avoided. Capital, operational and maintain costs of use of the heavy machineries are also cut down.

2) Increase the taste and minimize the chemicals residues in the vegetables and fruits: The binding of flavonoids with sugar in the plants are responsible for the taste of foods. In the food harvested from conventional farming, these flavonoids are destroyed due to exposure to excessive amount of synthesized pesticides. As the organically grown foods are not exposed to chemicals like conventional farming, high availability of flavonoids in them increase the taste of the foods.
The chemical substances or byproducts is rarely found in the organic foods as they are not exposed to chemicals. Therefore, organic foods are healthier than the food growing in convention framing systems.
3) Increase the job opportunities
As the most of the works in the organic cultivation are done manually, it generates more job opportunities for the villagers. The land preparation, seed, application of fertilizers, removal of weeds, and harvesting are done by the hands.
4) Increase the biodiversity
As the all practices in organic farming are done in environmental friendly way, it encourages the visiting and establishments of animals through giving their basic requirements and proving them micro habitats. The reduction of usage of synthesized chemicals in the agricultural fields provides an ideal feeding ground and habitats for the pollinators like honey bees and butterflies, pest control animals like frogs, and Greater Coucal, and soil structure enhancers like earth worms.
In addition to maintaining the animal diversity, as the cover crops, green manure crops, nitrogen fixing crops, and wild varieties of crops are grown in the organic farms, it also help to increase the diversity of plants as well.

5) Regulate the climate change
The massive scale greenhouse gas emission results from the conventional farming is minimized in the organic farming. Because, as the use of heavy machineries is prevented, the burning of fossil fuels is also cut down.
 Soil preparation works are also done with a minimum disturbance to the soil. The loss of top soil layers by the soil erosion is also minimized. This actions preserve the carbon sequestration potential of the soil. And also, cultivation of various types of crop within a single land increases the carbon sequestration potential in the living biomass of the lands.
6) Preserve the health of workers
Unlike the conventional farming, the health of the workers employed in organic farming is not get affected. Because, the chronic and acute exposure to synthesized pesticides causes serious illness in the workers. Most of the workers do not follow the guidelines and take necessary to minimize their exposure to the chemicals. People involved in spraying pesticides often reluctant to Wearing personal protection equipment like gloves, boots, goggles, protective suits, and respirators which help them to prevent acute exposure. Irregular disposal of pesticides into nearby water bodies contaminates the drinking water sources of the workers and causes chronic exposure to these chemicals and their byproducts in the environments.

7) Minimize the ground water pollution
Deep percolation and leeching of nutrients like nitrate and phosphate and heavy metals is minimized due the prevention of the excess use of fertilizers and pesticides. The improved soil quality and soil structure assist the soil particles to hold the nutrients and heavy metals onto their cations and anion exchange sites.

8) Enhanced water quality of adjacent surface water bodies
As the organic farming pays special attention towards the controlling the soil erosion, majority of soil particles from the nutrients rich top soil layers do not wash away by the runoff. As the degree of the sedimentation is reduced, water quality and aquatic life are also minimally affected.
9) As a tourist destination: People live in big cities with busy life style and highly polluted environments love to visit the rural area and spend few days there. There is a growing trend of tourists visiting the organic farm and doing some brain relaxing works while tasting the foods prepared from the farms. It is a good opportunity for the owner of these farmers to transfer the knowledge on organic farming, traditions and culture of local people. It generate new income for the farm and surrounding people are also benefited.
           6) Disadvantages of organic farming
1) Harvest from the organic farming is relatively less compare to conventional farming. Because, unlike conventional farming, the inputs including fertilizers to organic farming is low.
2) Due to inability to produce foods in large quantities, organic farming alone cannot feed all the world’s populations. So, most of the people still have to rely on food production from the conventional farming techniques.
3) Organically grown foods are unaffordable for the people with low income. Because, organic foods are sold at high prices compare to the foods coming from conventional farming.
4) Producers find difficulty to sell their products in the markets. Because, the marketing of the organically cultivated foods is not successful due to its small scale production.

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