natural green natural green Author
Title: 6 Reasons Why You Need To Show The Earth Some Love Today
Author: natural green
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There is power in love, and we shouldn’t just show love to those dear to us, we need to extend this love a bit further and share s...

There is power in love, and we shouldn’t just show love to those dear to us, we need to extend this love a bit further and share some love with Mother Earth. Why should we profess love for material things like our phones and clothes but ignore Mother Earth? Nature helps things get balanced and deserves our love!

You may begin to wonder why we should show some love to Nature, but you don’t have to wonder anymore because we present solid reasons why you should show Earth some love.

1.  We are helping ourselves by showing Nature love

We are only hurting ourselves if we go ahead chopping down trees in the forest and pollute the oceans with plastics and other materials. However, if we show Nature some love by reducing greatly the damage we have done, we are indirectly showing ourselves love because Nature will become balanced, making life sweeter.  

2.  Without Nature, we won’t have a home
Yes, your house can be beautifully designed and filled with all sort of pleasantries, but showing love to the Earth actually makes our houses worth living. Without the balance created by the natural world, you probably would be struggling to survive.

3.  Nature makes us smile
There is something so special about Mother Nature that gives us that inner peace and joy. This is why, no matter how bad your day has been, you will always have a reason to be hopeful and smile whenever you look up at the sky.

4.  Nature provides quality air we breath

Without oxygen, we can’t live! It is as simple as that. This is why we should show some love to Nature that provides for us most of the oxygen we breath. Yes, the oceans account for over 70% of the oxygen we breath, and this is a blessing Nature gives us freely! Even the carbon dioxide we release to the atmosphere is absorbed by Nature, creating equilibrium for us.

5.  Without the Earth there won’t be pets
Surely, humans love pets and we probably have a pet or two we cannot do without, be it a loyal and caring dog, a cute little cat, and even a colourful parrot, just to name a few. All the pets and animals we have today are as a result of the natural world. This is why we should show Mother Earth some love and protect not just our pets, but also other animals as they all play an important role in making the world go round.

6.  Nature makes things work in harmony
Nature has a way of making things appear beautiful and perfect. Think of the beauty of glaciers, the graciousness of the ocean flowing in harmony, and the rising and setting of the sun, just to mention a few. All these natural occurrences will marvel you, and there isn’t anything we would create that could ever have such a balanced harmony.

Showing love to Mother Earth is very important and by doing so, we are indirectly showing love to ourselves. As we appreciate Mother Nature, she will become happy and return our love in a thousand fold, making the Earth more conducive and sweeter for our existence. Love makes the world go round, show Mother Earth some love!   

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