natural green natural green Author
Title: Green products
Author: natural green
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The 21 st century has seen the worst environmental crisis in human history. If we look at the earth in a sense that it's our ho...

The 21st century has seen the worst environmental crisis in human history. If we look at the earth in a sense that it's our home then its no wonder that it seems like a paradigm of a home whose roots are being destroyed by its inhabitants.
In the mid-20th century, industries neglected environmental problems especially from the 1950s to the 1980s. By the time firms realized how much of the environment is being affected by the pollution, the damage done by them was beyond repair. It was only in the 1980s the industry started what we call today green revolution or environment-friendly industrial-innovation. According to Porter and Van Der Linde (1995) companies were considering environmental innovation as a response to ecological challenges. This created a win-win situation for firms as they originated the cost strategies that were both beneficial for producers and the end consumers. This gave the scenario gave birth to green marketing which emerged in the late 1980s.
According to a study after the 1980s corporations or companies started to adopt or acknowledge environmental aspects as competitive advantages by using terms like corporate sustainability, green labeling, green innovation, and green management.
Consequences of anti-green production:
In the past 50 years, mankind has consumed more resources than any previous recorded history. Corporations neglected the ecological factors to an the extent which led to the extinction of many species by destroying the atmosphere.
One of the main reasons for the gradually occurring destruction of the atmosphere in the human population. The more the population the more resource will be consumed which eventually contributes to the pollution of air and many elements of nature.
Here are some examples.
·       9 out of 10 people across the world breaths toxic air.
·       A bag made-up of plastic takes a millennium to decompose
·       500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags end up being used annually worldwide.
·       Forests around the world are being cut and processed for further usage.
·       Oceans are being polluted by the chemical emission of industries.

What is meant by Green products?
A sustainable product designed in such a way that it has minimum ecological impacts during its life-cycle and after it’s of no use.
These products are identified by their two basic characteristics:
·       Reduced waste and maximum resource output
·       These are manufactured under echo-friendly procedures and toxic-free ingredients
Advantages of Green products
·       There are millions of green consumers in online markets around the world who pay more to use more sustainable green products.
·       People nowadays prefer green products over the unhygienic ones so going green is a competitive advantage.
·       The brands which use the green idea to develop their products ultimately shows a positive image by showing an eco-friendly attitude.
Problems with Green products
·       Innovation and a lot of investment are required to manufacture green products which makes them a bit costly for the end consumer. This factor discourages the end consumer from buying green products.
·       Illiteracy about the importance of going green is still a big problem both for the green corporations and also for the environment. A bulge of the population is still unknown to the advantages of going green.
·       To go green requires a lot of investment and funding for research and development, this factor holds back many willing corporations from going green

Spread the word. Have a nice day.

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