natural green natural green Author
Title: Oxygen Relationship of Organisms
Author: natural green
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Although oxygen is an essential compound in life, excess oxygen becomes toxic to the organisms. Oxygen is a one of strong oxidation age...

Although oxygen is an essential compound in life, excess oxygen becomes toxic to the organisms. Oxygen is a one of strong oxidation agent in the word. Oxidation of oxygen is able to produce highly toxic forms of oxygen like super oxide and hydroxyl. They kill the living cell oxidizing chemicals in the cell.

                       In human excess oxygen is not a serious problem because oxygen is transported into cells by the blood.  Pigments in the human blood, hemoglobin is mainly responsible for oxygen transportation. It is only have ability to transport 4 oxygen molecules once so cells do not experience high concentrations of oxygen. But single celled tiny microorganisms always exposure to the environment and oxygen go through their cell. Some organisms have enzymes those are able to destroy the toxic forms of oxygen.  The enzymes are catalase, peroxidase and super oxide dismutase. So they can live under even high concentration of oxygen due to the presence of those enzymes. They are unable to live under anaerobic conditions.  So they refer to as aerobic organisms. They can only perform aerobic respiration to produce ATP.
                       Some of microorganisms are unable to live in aerobic environment due to the absence of above enzymes. So they have to remain in anaerobic environment like deep mud layer in sea and intestine of animals. Those organisms refer to as anaerobic microorganisms. They perform both fermentation and aerobic respiration for their ATP production. They use inorganic substances like ferrous, nitrate and sulfate as their terminal electron acceptor in their electron transport chain instead of oxygen in anaerobic respiration.  Some microorganisms can perform both mechanisms to synthesis ATP while some only perform fermentation due to the absence of electron transport chain. Those who can perform both prefer anaerobic respiration than fermentation because efficiency and number of ATP synthesis of anaerobic respiration is higher than that of fermentation. When there is no terminal electron acceptor is available they perform fermentation.

                       Another group of microorganisms are able to live under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Because they have enzymes to destroy the toxic forms of oxygen so they can live in aerobic environment. They can perform fermentation and/or anaerobic respiration under anaerobic condition so they are able to live under even anaerobic conditions.  Those microorganisms refer to as facultative microorganisms. Thiobacillus dentrificans is a facultative microorganism. It performs aerobic respiration to produce ATP under aerobic conditions.  If the environment suddenly becomes anaerobic, they shift into anaerobic respiration. They use nitrate ion in the soil as their terminal electron acceptor.  So it convert nitrate into atmospheric nitrogen. It cause releasing nitrogen from the soil and decrease the soil fertility. If aeration is return, then again they start to perform aerobic respiration because efficiency and number of ATP synthesis of aerobic respiration is little bit higher than that of anaerobic respiration.  Escherichia coli are another example for facultative microorganisms. It lives in the human intestine where the conditions are anaerobic. So they perform anaerobic respiration for their ATP production. Somehow they enter into free environment through the human faces.  They can survive 2-3 days in the free environment and produce ATP aid in aerobic respirations.

                       Some microorganisms are able to live under little concentration of oxygen. They refer to as microaerophiles. They have little amount of enzymes those destroy the toxic forms of oxygen or not. So if the environment suddenly becomes highly oxygenated, they form spores in order to survive. Spores are a domal structure. Metabolic actives do not happen within it. The tick wall of spores is not allowed oxygen to penetrate through it.  If they suddenly fallen into environment with anaerobic condition like deep wound in animals or oxygen concentration become vanish, they become active again. Clostridum is an example for microaerophiles.

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