natural green natural green Author
Title: Phylum Protista
Author: natural green
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Animal-like protists Characteristics v Habitat: Marine/freshwater/brackish water v    Mode of living: Free-living/Parasiti...
Animal-like protists


v Habitat: Marine/freshwater/brackish water

v   Mode of living: Free-living/Parasitic/Symbiotic relationships

v   Cellular organization: Eukaryotic

v   Unicellular (Some have multicellular stages in their life cycles)

v   Cell surface:

(1) Except for Amoeba, all other Protista have an extracellular matrix (ECM).ECM form strong cell wall Ex: Foraminifera and diatoms secrete glassy shells of silica.

(2) Cysts: Helps the delicate cell surface to tolerate for

Unfavorable conditions Ex. Vertebrate parasitic Amoeba can tolerate high gastric acidity, not the high temperature or desiccation.

v Colonial/Solitary

v   Protoplasmic level of organization

v   No organs or tissues

v   Have specialized organelles

v   Symmetry: Represent all symmetric

v   Mode of feeding: Heterotrophic

v   Locomotion: Cilia/Flagella/ Pseudopodia

v   Asexual reproduction: Fission/Budding

v  Sexual reproduction: Meiosis (Production of haploid cells from diploid cells.)

Class: Zooflagellata

·        Ex: Trypanosoma

·        Habitat: Blood and lymphatic system of human and domestic animals

·        Locomotion: Flagellum

·        Feeding: Endo- parasitic

·        Reproduction:

o   Asexual: Binary fission

·        Importance: Sleeping sickness

Class: Ciliophora

·        Ex: Paramecium

·        Habitat: Freshwater

·        Locomotion: Cilia

·        Feeding: Heterotrophic (Food particles are ingested by groove ducal and digest them internally.)

·        Reproduction:

§   Asexual: Binary fission

§    Sexual: Conjugation and exchange genetic material

Class: Apicomplexa

·        Ex: Plasmodium

·        Habitat: Bloodstream of mammals (human)

·        Locomotion: Passively carried by the flow of the blood

·        Mode of feeding: Heterotrophic (Endo-parasitic)

·        Reproduction:

§   Asexual: Human fission

§    Sexual: Mosquito

·        Importance: Vector of Malaria

Class: Rizopoda

·        Ex: Amoeba

·        Habitat: Freshwater

·        Locomotion: Finger-like pseudopodia

·        Feeding: Heterotrophic (Use pseudopodia for capturing food particles)

·        Reproduction:

§   No sexual reproduction

§    Asexual reproduction: Binary fission

·        Importance: As a laboratory  specimen.

Class Actionpoda

·        Ex: Radiolaria

·        Habitat: Marine

·        Locomotion: Needle-like pseudopodia

·        Feeding: Heterotrophic (Use pseudopodia for capturing food particles)

·        Reproduction:

o   Asexual: Budding/Binary fission

·        Importance: Ocean oozes of Si and SrSo4

Class Foraminifera

·        Ex: Globigerina

·        Habitat: Marine

·        Locomotion: Pseudopodia

·        Feeding: Heterotrophic (Use pseudopodia for capturing food particles)

·        Reproduction:

§   Asexual: Multiple fission

·        Importance: Ocean oozes of limestones

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